Strength is NOT, Non-Essential

You may have noticed I didn’t say that gyms are not non-essential – because they aren’t. The vast majority of people are just exercising at the big box gym and without some measurable form of improvement, it’s just a very inefficient use of time. In fact, getting skinny and frail by running on the treadmill, doing endless aerobics or waving around 20lb dumbbells has proven (especially in this current climate) to be downright dangerous. Our health and fitness have never been more at the forefront and while an obese person may need to seriously lose some weight, dieting and sweating their way to frailty will not make them any healthier. What it will do, is make them less likely to survive a health crisis. Those folks, along with everyone else, need to get strong and the only way to do that, is to Train … (not exercise). The methodology for training versus exercising is that training involves systematic and continuous improvements over time. Strength trainees do not enter the ...